Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011. Canyon Lake, Texas. Basketball.

This afternoon we will attend two basketball games, one for Abigail and one for Sarah.  I am very excited. One thing I will look for is how much they have changed since last year.  Children grow at different rates and sometimes the youth who was the star last year is clumsy now so it will be interesting to see the team members.  Basketball is a wonderful game because the game changes as the child grows and skill level improves.  High school basketball is actually a more interesting game than at the professional level and is especially fascinating with middle school kids such as Abigail and Sarah.

I will be a typical grandmother and will cheer them on but I also will evaluate the play of all the other girls. Once you are a PE teacher,  you are always a PE teacher and I will evaluate the coaches too.  But I will keep this all to myself and spend my time smiling  and enjoying the play and of course, hoping the girls win!!

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