Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. The Snow Bowl.

The player caught the ball and ran into the end zone and fell down.  He had just scored a touchdown so while he was still  on his back in the snow, he made a snow angel, complete with arms and legs.  It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen during a football game.  Had he been in the NFL, he would have been penalized for a delay of game but I just laughed out loud and loved it.

The game was being played in Ottawa, the coldest capital in the world.  Yesterday in Ottawa they were having a snow storm.  The field was covered by snow but the lines were brushed regularly so you could kind of see.  But the snow fell all during the game.   When a field goal was being kicked, the goal posts were invisible due to the heavy snow.  When the camera panned to the coaches, they could be seen as if a veil covered them.  It was great fun watching the players slip and slide.  But what I enjoyed the most was that I was sitting at my home in Mississippi, enjoying the 65 degree weather and not worrying about the ice and snow.

Ottawa won this semi final game of The Canadian Football game, beating the Edmonton team.  Next week, the Grey cup will be played in a covered stadium in Toronto, which will spoil all my fun.  But the Snow Bowl yesterday was great fun.

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