Friday, November 4, 2016

November 4, 2016. Harper, Texas. Oranges.

We buy oranges at the grocery store.   In Florida and California we have seen hundreds of orange trees.  The same in the valley in Texas.  On the roads we stopped to buy bags of oranges right from the farmer.  But we have never had oranges growing in our own yard.  At least not until now.

Every day when we were staying with David and Suzanne, an orange would be given to me as an appetizer before dinner.  David parks his car at the bottom of his yard and every day he picked oranges right off his trees.  One tree is especially good.  Fortunately the tree has over 200 oranges.  He brings the oranges right from the tree so the oranges are warm and juicy...and delicious.  We all peel our own orange and eat them immediately.  They were such a pleasant surprise as I had not known about his orchard.

He has planted a variety of fruits: peach, apple, plums and three orange trees.  This is the first year with lots of fruit.  One orange tree has fruit that is dry and the second turns out to be grapefruit.  If you peel the grapefruit the dog Moose is happy to eat them but they are too sour for the rest of us.  But we all love oranges from the third tree.  Such a treat.

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