Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 5, 2016. Harper, Texas. The Fire Department.

Harper is a small town.  Their fire department is an all volunteer organization.  Once a year they raise a lot of money by putting on a lunch time fish fry.  Cleverly, the fish fry is held the first Saturday of hunting season.  The event has been held for many many years, always on the same Saturday.  People come from far and wide to come and eat fish.  The event was bursting with people.

The cost for the lunch is a donation, so even the poor folks can come and enjoy the event.  I am told that when the price is not fixed, most people donate more than just pay a fixed price.  Desserts are also a donation.   In addition, they sell baked goods and T shirts.  There was also a silent and live auction. For the first time in my life, I did not bid on anything.

What most surprising to me was the number of people in attendance.  There must have been over a thousand people.  The event was well organized.   They opened for business at 11:00.  By the time we arrived at noon, we waited in line with 5 people in front of us.  When we left at 1:30, the line for food was all the way down to the road.  The whole event was admirable.  And I hope they made lots and lots of money.

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