Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Birthday Girls.

Some grandmothers never miss the birthdays of their grandchildren.  I know some who actually attend every birthday celebration, even if they don't live in the same city.  Ken and I are not like those folks.  I think I am doing well if I remember to send flowers on the actual day, then celebrate when we are all together.  Fortunately, the other set of grandparents are much more attentive so send cards and gifts at the proper time.

Today we celebrated the birthdays of Kate and Mary Frances, who turned 20 and 17 in February.   They enjoyed the late party.  In fact, Kate thought it a grand idea to celebrate when the birthday is long past.   Our choice for the birthday party was Sombra, the Mexican restaurant near the Renaissance.  For several years, we have given the girls a cheque for their birthday gift.  So before we ordered, they opened their gift, which was enclosed in a card from Nova Scotia.  Every year, the girls paint the rocks.  Several years ago, my friend Betty S.stayed at the house just after the girls had left.  Brother in law, who is a professional photographer, took pictures of the rock art, then made the pictures into cards, which Betty gave me.  The girls had as much fun seeing the cards as they did with the money.

The event was delightful.  Excellent food and lively conversations.  We 6 celebrated the birthdays in style.

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