Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Boxes.

Every day, boxes arrive at our door.  Yesterday, on Sunday, 3 packages were being delivered just as we were leaving and when we returned 3 more boxes were at our door.  And that was on a Sunday.  This is not Christmas but it seems like Christmas to me as I never know what are in those boxes.  But Ken knows because he has ordered each item from Amazon.   We have been home 10 days.  Ken has been busy.

On the trip home, while we were waiting for our next flight in Dallas, I suggested to Ken that he could order many items for the house on line rather than hauling things home from the grocery store.   Carrying big bulky items into the house are difficult for both of us, with our bad legs.  As we talked about it, we came up with a long list that could be ordered.  Ken is a whiz at ordering on the internet so he started in while we were still at the airport.  He has been busily ordering ever since.  

So far to our house has come 40 rolls of toilet paper, 24 rolls of paper towel, 16 boxes of kleenex,  24 chocolate and mint energy bars,  224 individual coffee pods, 60 protein drinks,  6 big adult bibs, and many more items that have disappeared into Ken's drawers.  Today, he took the cake.  We now are the proud owners of 240 big individually wrapped cookies.  We promptly sat down and ate cookies and drank milk.  And we laughed.

At this rate, we should be able to buy only fruit, vegetables and milk. at the grocery store.  Modern life is efficient.  Lourdes our Cuban cook,  cooked all afternoon so we  do not even need to buy meat.  Life is sweet as long as those boxes keep arriving at our door.

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