Friday, March 31, 2017

March 31, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Spiders.

I love spiders when they are outside but I do not enjoy knowing that spiders are in my house.  This week, Chandes and his crew of two were installing weather stripping in our four doors.  The weather was cold when we returned from Mexico and we discovered that the doors leaked air.  People in the south are not as careful about leaking doors as do the Canadians.  I have never understood why because keeping out the heat is just as important as keeping out the cold, but perhaps in the south it is less uncomfortable.  Anyway, when we discover our air leaks, Chantes came to fix our problem.

While the men were working, the doors were open and when they completed their task,  the door in the breakfast room was left wide open.  I did not discover the open door until 11:00 pm, so I knew lots of insects and spiders had entered the house.  Sure enough, the next morning, when I sat in my chair  in the corner of the living room for breakfast,  I noticed 4 strands of a spider web had been installed on top of my large water mug.   Some clever little spider was making a web right on the top of my mug.   The nerve.  I looked everywhere but found no spiders.  But I know they are here in my house but so far I have seen no more webs on the top of my water mugs.    And I hope to never see them again.

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