Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Drago's Restaurant.

Today we dined at 12:30 because Mary Frances was working the cameras and sound at church.  She and a friend film the service, which will then be seen on TV in a week.  MF is responsible for the sound and the lights.  She enjoyed doing it.  We asked if the two of them were totally in charge.  She laughed and said that an adult is always close at hand if help is needed.  It does not matter to us whether we eat at 11:15 or 12:30.  We enjoy either.

The official name is Drago's Seafood Restaurant and is straight from New Orleans., which means that the food is excellent and tasty but not hot.  Our conversations today were all about basketball, hockey and curling.  Molly played basketball this season.  Her team won their final two games so she is ready for next season.  She wanted to tell us about her team and their games,  but she kept getting interrupted, but at the first lull in conversation, she just picked up when she left off without missing a beat.  Her interest and enthusiasm never waned and she did not seem to get discouraged even though she was interrupted multiple times.  Molly was sitting on my side of the table so I could hear her start up about her team.   I was interested in how persistent she was at returning to her topic of conversation.  She never wavered until she finished describing their last game.  Then she was happy.  Of course, by then we were busily ordering dessert.

We have been to Drago's multiple times because it is right next door to the Hilton where David and the family stay.  But mostly we go there because they have lots and lots of good seafood.  We started off with a dozen raw oysters which were big and tasty.  Even Molly loves them.  Great food and great time today at Drago's Seafood Restaurant.

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