Sunday, June 27, 2021

June 27, 2021. San Antonio, Texas. Why We Like the Lake.

I asked Allison this evening why she likes the lake. She told me that there was always things to do, such as water skiing, tubing, swimming and reading. And she is relaxed at the lake. No pressure. No demands. And the nights are dark and quiet so it is easier to sleep. So she loves the lake for recreation and to relax. Suzanne says that everything at the lake for her is easier. The entertaining is casual as are the meals. And she and David do a lot of activities together at the lake such as boating or kayaking. In the city they both work all week. Everyone in the family agrees that the lake house holds a special place in their heart. I like to be at the lake partly because of nostalgia. The four of us put the house together to become the lovely casual house that it is today. But it did not happen overnight. I am pleased with the results of all our efforts. In adition I enjoy seeing bits and pieces of other houses. All the art from the ranch is at the lake scattered around the house so as I walk around I see old familiar pieces or art which I love. Several pots and pans came from the farm and one large soup pot was given to me for a wedding gift. The coasters in the living room coffee table and end tables Ken and I brought home from Costa Rico. So I love to be at the lake party for the history and partly for the present. Sitting on the deck in the cool of the evening remains one of the best places to sit and talk. So I still love the lake house and I have enjoyed my four weeks there. I like the place just as well as the granddaughters. And that is good.

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