Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014. Canyon Lake, Texas. Families.

My wonderful daughter in law Suzanne has two younger brothers. Sam lives with his wife Kristin and three young children in Seattle. Next weekend, a cousin is getting married in San Antonio, so the Seattle family came a week early for a vacation. They arrived last night at 7:30 just in time for Tex Mex dinner. The children are 6, 4 and 2. Today they all went to church together. The rest of the day was given over to the swimming pool, and of course to The World Cup. There is no better activity than playing in the swimming pool for a 6 year old boy and two girls 2 and 4. Those children will be tired tonight. They started swimming at 2:00 and finally came in at 6:00. David swam with the kids as did Samantha and along with Sam, all three children were delighted. It was a happy scene as I watched from the deck of the pool. Tomorrow they will all go to Sea World. Then on Tuesday we switch. Sam and his family will come to the lake while we leave the lake to fly to Nova Scotia. Suzanne and the girls will join them at the lake on Tuesday evening while David will commute to work from the lake for a few days. Friday they return for the wedding festivities. Ken and I were pleased to see Sam again and to see his family, and we were delighted to be a part of the family event. You can't beat family get togethers, especially when the weather is hot and the swimming pool is cool!! My hats are off for David and Suzanne.

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