Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25, 2014. Western Head, N.S. Rocks.

Apparently, it is impossible in Nova Scotia to leave the rocks alone. Everyone both young and old brings the pretty or unusual rocks back home. I love rocks and in our home can always be found a basket of rocks collected from around the world. My basket of rocks are now being stored but when we get our stuff out of storage, that basket will have a prominent place in our home. In the dining room here at Western Head you will find rocks set along one long window sill. Each rock is different. When we returned this year, I found twice as many rocks as when we left. The new ones were all pretty but several were too small for my collection so I sorted and removed the rocks I did not fancy. Instead I added these rejected rocks to the pile on the deck, collected over the years by the grandchildren and stored under two benches. This evening, Ken and I ate dinner on the deck. From my chair I noticed the picnic table half full of good sized rocks. The picnic table sets at the end of the parking pad but now is a spot for displaying rocks. When we first moved to Western Head, my house keeper pointed out to me that people in Nova Scotia leave the rocks on the beach while we continue to bring the rocks inside, which was true. It is apparent that who ever rented our house was from away, because they certainly carried lots of rocks back home. It is impossible to resist the habit.

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