Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014. Canyon Lake, Texas. Lake Life.

The mornings are quiet. One by one we gather to drink coffee, eat breakfast and talk. David is always the first one up. Abigail almost always is the last. In addition to talking. we all have something to read in our hand, either a magazine, a book or an iPad, so intermittently, we share information. David wants a smoker for his yard so this morning he regaled us with descriptions of the fancy stainless unit he wishes to buy. Mornings at the lake are one of the nicest aspect of life at the lake, where a busy family who likes each other can enjoy the morning without rushing, even on Sunday. The grandparents appreciate it too. Last evenings dinner was typical at the lake. Friends came over and shared a very fancy dinner of four courses, culminating in shrimp and vegetables on sticks. 10 children and 6 adults were hungry after the busy day on the water and dinner extended over a long time period. While the adults talked on the deck, the kids played poker. While we were all eating on the deck, the neighbors down the road had a display of fireworks, lasted 45 minutes. This is the first time we have experienced July 4th weekend at the lake. Usually we are in Nova Scotia by now. But life at the lake is pleasant and life at the lake is warm. The children and the adults are happy, even without television. Lake life in Texas grows on you.

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