Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4, 2014. Canyon Lake, Texas. Independence Day.

We celebrated in style. Everything you like about the fourth of July we had in spades. We dined with friends old and new, all 34 of them. Twenty were kids from age 2 to 18 with most adults in their 40's. Ken and I were by far the oldest. Renee and Keith served the perfect meal: hamburgers and all the trimmings, potato salad, cucumber mint salad, and topping it off was old fashioned fresh peach cobbler. It was a typical dinner but it tasted great. In Texas, you are allowed to shoot off private fire works, unless there is a burn ban. For the past two years, because of the dry conditions, no one was allowed to use fire works but this year we have had lots of rain. Sitting on the deck, as soon as it got dark, all around the lake could be seen fireworks displays. It was like magic both far and near. Raymond the neighbor loves to run a fireworks display and tonight, for almost an hour, we saw the most magnificent private display, right from their cove on Canyon Lake. It seemed to be right in front of the deck, and in our laps. Celebrating in style in Texas is just what we have enjoyed tonight. Being old, David brought Ken and me home at 11:00 but Suzanne and the girls are still enjoying the party. And of course, all around our own cove on Canyon Lake can be heard more fire works, but I have had enough fireworks to last a year so I am going to bed!!

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