Sunday, March 13, 2016

March 13, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Dotage.

Each day I receive information from an organization called Bama Mail.  Some times I find the items interesting  and sometimes I delete and sometimes I save for later.  I have no idea how I get this mail.  Every few days, they send a quiz.  It might be a vocabulary test or perhaps a geography quiz.  I am a sucker for those tests,  perhaps because I mostly win.  They are not very difficult.   One reasons I take them is to  find out how much I still know about the world.  We read so much about the diminishing memory with age that you begin to believe what you read.   Since I went loopy and lost my words, I make serious errors with opposites and I often mess up personal pronouns but that is due to the stroke, not aging  Most of the time, I feel that I have not entered into my dotage....until now.

Yesterday, I messed up whether I was to gain an hour of sleep with the change of day light savings time.  Of course, in the Fall we gain the hour, not the Spring.  Oops.  Senility is on the way.  To be even more confusing,  the time change here has not yet occurred so we moved our watches ahead only to find that we were the only ones in Mexico.  Our automatic phones did not change which irritated us until we discovered tonight that it was correct and we were wrong.  We are all confused for sure.  Now we are straight and we are not senile but just a bit confused.

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