Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. The Art Show.

We were afraid we would miss the whole show but the owner of the gallery agreed to humor us and keep the show up until our return.   One of the pieces actually had been removed but Marci asked for it's return so we could see the show intact.  Ken and I along with Christina and Kate arrived at 11:30 which was perfect because no one was there but us.   Kate's portrait was the first painting you see upon arrival. which set a high standard.  We loved the whole show, but perhaps the most impressive  sight was her name in big bold letters on the stark white walls.   It seemed to make a statement about her as an artist.

Eleanor Greaves Sutherland is a good friend of ours.  She and her husband have been extremely gracious to us since we moved to Mississippi.  But Eleanor is a wonderful artist who made her living as an artist before she married and had four children.  She has been painting all along but this is the first solo show she has had in 15 years so it was an exciting event.  Her work was beautifully displayed and very impressive.  Most of her work on display has been sold.

Friday evening, Eleanor and Jim are coming for dinner when we will hang our new painting,  purchased  at the show.  It is a beautiful white on white still life.  Eleanor said it was the most difficult piece she ever attempted.  Now it is ours.  I can't wait to see it hanging on our wall.  Since we first saw Eleanor's work we have wanted one of Eleanor's paintings.  Now we have our very own.  We are so very pleased.

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