Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016. Madison, Mississippi. Scans.

This morning very early at 7:00, I had my scans, both Pet and Ct.  The technician was late.  He had a flat tire but we got it done.  The most difficult part of the scans is holding your arms over your head the whole time you are in the tunnel.  But I was a good patient and was still as a mouse.  Then I saw the Oncologist who thought that I looked wonderful.  She suggested that the time was not right to diet.  In fact, she said that nothing pleases an Oncologist more then to see a patient who has gained weight.  Because of the delay with the test, the results were not read when I left.

But she called late in the afternoon with very good news.   The scan showed no signs of cancer in my body.  No fluid in my chest and none in my bones, therefore no need to continue the Ibrance which is specific for fighting breast cancer.  Now I will take Letrizole only.  Dr. Sheehan commented that the results from the scans were as good as you could possible get.  Ken and I are pleased but we are not ecstatic.  We both know that cancer cells can hide,  mutate and come back in another form.   But for the moment, we will enjoy our success.  Modern medicine along with healing hugs and many prayers have won the day for the moment.

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