Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Accidents.

We own an Escape, an old Ford Escape.  In the years when we always flew to Texas we drove it.  Once it was stolen from David and Suzanne's driveway but we got it back, non the less off and have been using it ever since.  Then we started driving from Maryland to Mississippi and Texas so we left the Escape in Mississippi and drove our truck back and forth.  It sat in Christina and Andrew's driveway, which they drove once a week.  When Kate began driving, we added Kate on our insurance policy and told Kate to used it, which she did.  It has served her well, even using it now at college.

This morning, when driving behind a truck on a residential road, the truck suddenly stopped.  Kate braked but was unable to avoid hitting the truck.  The truck is fine but the Escape was crushed and leaking.  The assessor thinks it will cost $3600. to repair the car and as the car is old, they think it is a total loss.  Poor Kate is upset.  She is a careful drive her but she hit the truck from the rear, so it was her fault.   And now she has no transportation to college.  Right now she is on spring break but soon, Christina must drive her back which is not nearly as good as driving yourself.  But most of all, Kate is upset that she has ruined her grandparents's vehicle.

We have tried to tell her that Ken and I are grateful that she is OK and not in the hospital.  And we tried to have her understand that it was only a car not a tragedy.   Kate will probably never have another accident  in her life, but the first one is traumatic for everyone.

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