Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31.2016. Madison, Mississippi.. The Bathtub.

The scene was fraught with danger.  At any time Ken could have slipped.  Trying to get him out would  have been difficult.  But we were looking at the funny side of the picture.  I was the helper, standing by to assist.  Ken had the warm water running into the tub trying to get himself down into the water.  We should have made a dry run and tried to get into the tub with no water, but it was too late.  He was half in and half out…and we had the giggles, so we quit.

Our new home was built 25 years ago at a time when elaborate bathtubs were in style.  Our has stairs up to the large jacuzzi tub with fancy tiles surrounding the area.  It looks splendid but is useless because we can not get in out out, at least not so far.  We have yet to even fill the tub, let alone get in.

Today we made a trip to Home Depot and bought fancy holders to help us get in.  And we bought a bench and two hand holds that suction onto the tub to help us out.  The purpose is to soak our legs.  Both of us might benefit from regular soaking in warm water.  Ken read it in a new study of neuropothy legs.  When all the hardware is installed, we will try to get in and out when the tub is dry.  We knew that getting older was difficult but it did not occur to us that getting in and out of this fancy tub would be our undoing.  Too funny.

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