Saturday, November 11, 2017

November 11, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Ken.

Friends always ask me about Ken, subtly suggesting that I seldom mention him in my wee web logs and that perhaps I should say something about his general health and welfare.  Tonight is the time.

When people ask me about Ken I always say that he is fine.  But of course he is not fine at all.  I really mean that considering his diseases, he is fine.  Ken objects when he hear me say that he is fine but he is not sure  what I could or should say.  His Parkinson's disease he thinks is progressing but he says he handles it better.  His symptoms are his lack of balance.   To compensate, he uses the walker 100% of the time both inside and out.  And he is careful.  His lung disease gets no better.  His coughing continues unabated.   His left shoulder is almost frozen and hurts.  For some reason he has pain in some place every now and then, so he uses lots of Ibuprofen.

On the other hand, he retains his sense of humor.  And he never complains.  His head works well and he gets things done around the house and yard, which pleases him.  Fortunately, he is able to drive although he is waiting for the autonomous automobiles.  He still does all our accounting and investments so he keeps his head churning.  And you know he orders all our stuff on line.

Today Ken filled all the bird feeders and hung them in the yard including the humming bird feeder.  We have several feeders both front and back so it is quite a task.  Earlier in the week he cleaned the fountain.  He reads and listens to audio books all the time.  In between bouts of activities, he takes short rests.  So I would say that he is fine, getting things done and doing as well as he is able.  And he enjoys our life together.  He never expected to be 81 so he is pleased.  Now he says he is heading to 100.  So Ken is fine.  That is my story and I will stick with it.

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