Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 25, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Traditions.

The older I get, the more I like traditions.  Simple things, like drinking our sparkling juice from the silver glasses at our Thanksgiving dinner at Linda's home.  I suspect those goblets were used by her parents and grandparents Thanksgiving dinners too.   Lovely tradition.

And last evening, we used Aunt Miriam's silver.  I have no idea where she got that silver because she was a Salvation Army officer her whole life but when she died, I ended up with her silver.  I use it when ever we sit at the dining table and is a fine memory of my Aunt Miriam.  I like that even though she and I were never close.  She was a nurse and became a superintendent of Grace Hospitals, ending up in charge of all women services in Canada for the Salvation Army.  And she was a bit of a snob.  Once when Ken was an intern and I happened to be at Grace Hospital,  she introduced me to the head of the medical board as Mrs. Doctor Ken Dickie, thus totally obliterating my real name.  But she wanted that doctor to know that she had a niece who was married to a doctor.  I just laughed.  That was not a tradition that lasted.

Hockey Night in Canada has been a tradition with us for our whole life.  Once I  listening on the radio.  Then eventually on the television, after my sister bought us a set with her first paycheck.  We have been watching ever since, except when we lived in Texas when no hockey was on TV.  Now there is a whole hockey channel so I can watch every night.  But Saturday tradition stays alive.  Tonight we are watching the Leafs play the Capitols.   Our traditions continue of watching Hockey Night in Canada, except it is shown in the US too.   PS.  The Caps are winning.

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