Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Grand Day.

Molly was so excited.  Today was Grandparents Day at her school, Christ Covenant School.  Each grade prepared a song or two to present to the grandparents and Molly wanted to be sure she has the words memorized.  From Kindergarten to the fifth grade, the children performed.  The whole morning was impressive.   Some songs were funny and quick while others had a more serious tone.  After the hour long program, each child accompanied their grandparent to meet the teach and to see examples of the work done in the classroom.

I had attended grandparents days in the past, both in Mississippi,  Maryland and Texas.  They are all wonderful.  The purpose of the day is to show the work of the students and to have the grandparents donate funds to the school.  Fortunately, the whole fund raising theme is low keyed.  At the beginning of the program,  a speaker reminded us of the envelopes on the center of the tables.  And he told us the projects that needed to be funded.  The schools have probably figured out that the grandparents have more money than the parents, so the school asks for donations.  No pressure but the purpose of the day is to raise money I think.  But it was a well done event and I enjoyed the morning at the school.

The best part was going out to lunch with Molly, Kate and Christina.  Parents are not invited but I can not drive so Christina took me.  And Kate had just come home from college so she joined in our lunch.  We asked Molly for her recommendation and she selected an elegant Chinese restaurant at the Renaissance.  Now that was really fun.   That child has good taste in restaurants!!

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