Sunday, November 12, 2017

November 12, 2017. Madison, Mississippi. Decisions.

My friend Sarah T. set up my blog after a question from me.   When I was reading through the Buckley?Houghton archives the previous summer, I came upon a letter written by my Grandmother Houghton, and sent to my mother.  In the letter, my grandmother describes her feeling of freedom.  She was on the train from Vancouver to Winnipeg to join her daughter, my Aunt Miriam, shortly after the death of Grandpa Houghton.  All she was taking was one small trunk.   She was overjoyed.  I wished I could ask her about one hundred questions but of course, by then she had died and even though she lived with us for part of each year, I did not ask the right questions.   After I told Sarah my goal, my question to Sarah was how could I do it.  And she figured it out.  I am still using the same system.

My goal with my wee web log was to allow the 7 grandchildren to find out how Ken and I got from here to there.  Now they may never be inquisitive enough to care but I had wished my grandmother had kept her comings and goings so I could have picker her brain.  My son David thinks that no one will ever read my blog in the future and I agree.  But if anyone wanted to know, they would be able to get to know us through my blog.  The goal for the blog was for 10 years.

Now comes the decision.  My 80th birthday is coming up, on December 6, which is the 10th anniversary of my blog and I think the grandchildren will be able to figure us out.  But what has happened in the past 10 years is that friends and family read my blog as a way to find out where we are and what we are doing.  In addition, I am older than most of my friends, so I am urged to keep going  as a way to help others to figure out how to handle the journey through my old age.  Today, my friend Phyllis suggested that another 10 years should be in order.  So I must make a decision.  And soon.  I will soon be 80.

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