Monday, August 13, 2018

August 13, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. New Friends. Old Friends.

Stacy is new to us. We are enjoying getting to know her. We have spent all afternoon and this evening talking. so we have been able to cover a lot of ground. Ken and I enjoy getting to know new friends so we have enjoyed our time with Stacy. Along with being an interesting lady, she is also a big help getting the dinner organized both before and after dinner. Anyone who can find the tupper ware containers and put the leftovers in the fridge deserves a gold star in my books. And she loves what she has seen in Nova Scotia. We are delighted to be getting to know Stacy. Joe is an old friend. We started to work in the same office of Snider 1981. We worked in the same office until I retired in 2010. We have been friends all through those years. I have not seen Joe we left the farm. Joe came to help at the farm when I was organizing stuff to take to Mississippi and Texas. He helped me load the Persian rugs into the truck. We have had a good old gab fest trying to figure out who was doing what and where. It is wonderful to see How looking so fit and thin. He has always had a great spirit, which he has retained. Tomorrow, Joe and Stacy will visit the town and see the sculpture garden behind Ivan's garden shop. And they might even visit Bernie, our artist friend. Stacy collects art and loves some of Bernies pieces. Ken and I are delighted to see our old friend Joe and our new friend Stacy. Getting to Nova Scotia is not easy but they did it, just to visit us. We are delighted they are here.

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