Friday, August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Larry and Jan.

Ken called out, "Go straight". Katie was driving us home from the walking trail and we were just at the corner when we turn right toward Western Head. But Ken called out again but the second time louder. The third time was the charm and Katie drove straight although she thought he was having a spell of sorts. But sure enough, Ken had spotted Larry and Jan walking from the lighthouse and Ken wanted us to say hello. They have returned to Liverpool and we were delighted to see them. After a brief hug and chat, we invited them to share with us tonight at our mystery meal. and they did. Jan and Larry live in Ottawa but own a big house on Main Street. They walk to the lighthouse every day and chat with people along the way. Because of their friendliness, they have a whole set of friends we do not know, which is fun. Most folks in those lovely homes are full time residents and know lots of the town so we catch up on the Liverpool activities. Except tonight, we were busy catching up with the activities from the last year. It was a good thing they came to dinner tonight because a family wedding will be held in Halifax next weekend and 20 family members will stay with Jan and Larry, which means Larry will be cooking for 20 for three days, three meals a day. Whew. We were happy that Ken spotted them on the road and that we continued along the road to chat with them. I could not imagine why Ken was so adamant with his directions. But he was correct. We like Larry and Jan and Larry and Jan like us. So we have a mutual admiration society. After their big wedding, we will see them before they leave town again but we were delighted to spend a few hours with them tonight. Some days you just get lucky.

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