Wednesday, August 29, 2018

August 29, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Blueberries.

Local blueberries are in the stores. It is worth coming to Nova Scotia just to eat the local wild blueberries. The berries are small and succulent, so much more flavor that the big berries we buy all year. Those berries are high bush berries, so much easier to pick. The berries we eat now are grown close to the ground which require bending over to pick. But they are delicious. We buy them in 5 pound boxes. When we first moved here, the big box cost $10. Now, 19 years later, the same box costs $20. But it is worth every penny. I eat a bowl of these tiny blueberries for breakfast with milk. Ken loads his cereal with them too. For lunch I put blueberries in the salad. And for dessert after dinner I crush the berries over ice cream. You can not imagine how tasty these berries are. As soon as they arrive in town we buy a box. and when we are getting low we buy another and another and another...until they no longer available. Three years ago the early spring and summer were dry and the berries were not juicy, which was disappointing. But this year they are delicious and we are eating up a storm. Most people freeze the extras but we just keep eating. We feel so fortunate to be enjoying the local blueberries this season. They are just as good as I remember them in my mind. And we are enjoying every mouthful.

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