Monday, August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Shoes and Homes.

Most of the time, when entering a home, Canadians will remove their shoes, just like the Japanese. So it becomes a habit. Tradesmen always remove their shoes. Everyone does if the weather is wet. So as a guest in a home, you must prepare and bring socks or slippers. I do not like to walk in bare feet in someones home, so I always wear socks. If the weather is fine and the ground is dry, the host will often tell you to leave on your shoes, especially if they know you are an American. But most of the time, everyone removes their shoes inside the front door. Yesterday, Mary and Clif invited the six of us for lunch. Pat and I wanted to walk. As it had rained during the night, I knew I must remove my shoes so I could not wear Tevas. Instead I wore my walking shoes and socks, so I would have covered feet. For the first time this season, I wore a pair of wool socks. I love my ten pair of wool socks. They were all hand knit by ladies from Liverpool and they were made with fine wool with 15% nylon. They wash perfectly yet they are warm. And I have them in many different colors so they are fun to wear, I wore multicolored blue socks to match my blue pants, I was happy to remove my shoes so I could show off my blue wool socks. The winters bring snow and slush in many parts of Canada,so I suppose the custom began due to the weather. No Canadian would ever wear boots in someones home, as they do in Mississippi. The boots go off at the door and the light shoe appears from a purse which then is worn inside. It is not a fetish. But everyone does it as a matter of course. If you are a Canadian, you will take off your shoes inside the front door. Nice custom IO think.

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