Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 23, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. The Tenors.

My evening was delightful. PBS was raising money and The Tenors were performing. Once upon a time there were four Canadian Tenors but now there are just three tenors and they call themselves The Tenors but they are still Canadians, I think. I enjoyed their concert while sitting in our little TV room all by myself. They seem to be able to switch from pop tunes to classical opera without missing a beat. I was impresses. I did laugh. They have added a few dance routines just like the old doo op groups used to do. They look a bit ridiculous but they are popular so folks must like their dance routines. Certainly the whole concert was not boring a bit. Except, I switched to a ball game during the fund raising parts. My new super sports package gives me every baseball game being played so I get to pick and chose. This week, I am watching a bit of every team I have not seen this year. Of course, I never watch a whole game but I like to see a bit of several games. I now know how long PBS will be doing the fund raising part so I click back to the tenors at just the right time. My evening was a delight listening to the Tenors and watching baseball, two of my favorite activities. Nifty.

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