Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 14, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Sublime to Ridiculous.

First the ridiculous. We arrived at the Quarterdeck for lunch today to be greeted by our artist friend Bernard. He was having lunch there too and csme over to hug us. When I introduce them to Stacy and Joe, he invited them to come to see his art, which they accepted. They had seen his work and were keen to see his studio so they went. We tried to warn them to set a time limit with Bernie but somehow they forgot so they stayed a long time. But they loved it. The whole inside of the house is ridiculous, with birds and gulls hanging from the ceiling . Wonderful but ridiculous. They loved their visit with Bernie. They loved his art and his enthusiasm and his energy. The whole experience was ridiculous. And amazing. Then Stacy and Joe went to the Sculpture Garden behind the Cosby Garden shop. That whole scene was sublime. The hills, rocks plantings and sculpture was beautiful and restful. Ivan made the whole thing with 50 sculptures dotted around the woods amidst lovely foliage. The whole place is remarkable. But to find such beauty and talent in the midst of little Liverpool is especially amazing. They chatted with Ivan and found him to be humble and unassuming and gentle. Joe and Stacy loved the sculpture but they were perhaps were even more impressed with the landscaping. "Obviously a master planter planned this garden," said Joe. They loved the place and took many pictures. They went from the ridiculous to the sublime and enjoyed them both.

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