Tuesday, August 21, 2018

August 21, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. Gull Bay.

Gull Bay is the name of our little bay. This afternoon late, I sat on our deck and enjoyed the beauty of the place. The weather was a perfect Western Head day with the sky a bright blue and clear and the breeze just a hint of cool so sitting by myself I was neither hot nor cold...just like the baby bear. I was happy. Soon Ken joined me and we marveled at the beauty of the place. And we wondered why more people do not visit Nova Scotia. Even most Canadians do not travel to Nova Scotia. Americans do not even know where it is. Mostly I am required to describe where we live for the summer. Most folks have not a clue. At the far end of our bay zits the green house. Hettie and Pember, who live there in the summer, came for coffee this morning. Husband Elbert died almost two years ago. And from my deck I can see Gills house. We used to be able to see people sitting on her deck using the binoculars but the trees have grown so she also is unable to check out what we are doing on the deck. Over the years, if she was having a drink on here deck by herself she would check to see if we were doing the same and she would come over and join us. Nice. Our little cluster of friends is a miracle. Hettie asked me today how we all ended up here. The story is long and I have told it before but the whole thing is wonderful. Yesterday when I was enjoying the deck, Wendy walked over with the dogs and we three chatted for thirty minutes. And Gill walked by on her daily walk and we chatted for a few minutes. Gull Bay is a lovely place, made even better by our friends both old and new. Of course, we have been friends with the owners of the Green House since the first summer we were here. Gull Bay is a fine place.

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