Sunday, August 5, 2018

August 5, 2018. Western Head, Nova Scotia. This Evening.

Tonight was perfection by the sea. The water was calm and looked like a lake not a mighty ocean. There was no breeze. The visibility was unlimited. Sitting outside after dinner was perfect in every way. I sat for ages looking out at sea watching for whales. But I could see no whales which pleased me. Perhaps I enjoyed it so much because it was unexpected. Pat and I walked over to the Mitchell's home for lunch. On the way we realized that our shirts were getting damp due to the fog. By the time we arrived the rain had started to really make us wet but fortunately we had arrived. Dave and Irene drove over and Mal brought Ken. Noon time is a better time for Ken so folks are inviting us for lunch rather than dinner, which is a kind gesture. Our lunch was delicious: home made soup, salad and fresh bread. Cookies and tea for dessert. Our visit was a delight. Perhaps we enjoy these visits because we thought we would not be able to come. So we cherish every visit. This afternoon we sat outside but it was breezy so if the sun was behind a cloud I felt chilly. But after dinner sitting on the deck was wonderful. It clearly was the best evening since our arrival. Definitely, there is a God.

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