Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 7, 2021. Madison, Mississippi. Pearl Harbor.

I have always thought that Japan made a stupid mistake by bombing Pearl Harbor. Within 6 months, the US had built the largest navy in the world, greater than all other countries combined, including our allies and our enemies. Up until the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the attitude in the US was to continue to isolate themselves from the war. But the bombing changed everything. This bombing occured 70 years ago on December 7th. Many folks remember my birthday because it was the day before Pearl Harbor. This evening on TV, Dr. Hanson discussed Pearl Harbor. He is an expert on the Second World War. He reminded everyone that the attack was unannounced. No declaration of war by the Japanese and no warning. According to him, the Japanese expected to turn the Pacific Ocean over to the Japanese and the US would continue to be isolationists. But they were wrong. Evidently, there was to be 2 bombing raids but the Japanese thought that the whole American fleet had been demolished after the first bombing run. Again they were wrong. Several American Commanders took their ships out to sea, thus saving their ship. And after the President spoke, calling December the day of infamy, the citizens rallied around the president. And the US entered the Second World War. I have often wondered what would have happened if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbor. And I also wonder what would have happened if the Germans had not attacked Russia. Of course, when dealing with crazy people, they do crazy things. But we know the end of the story. I have asked myself this question: "What were they thinking?" Both actions started their demise. This all happened 70 years ago.

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