Monday, April 11, 2022

April 11, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. My New Passport.

My new passport arrived last week. I was delighted to see it. The nice lady at the downtown post office told me that my new passport would arrive in April. And she was correct. You can pay more money for the government to expedite your passport and that was what I did. Now I have my new passport in my hot little hand. My picture even looks good. I had no problems. Christina filled out the form and Chris took me to the downtown post office. I paid my money and turned it over to the nice lady. Then I hoped for the best. Being optimistic, my passport is valid until 2032. That did give me a chuckle. How many years will I get to use that passport is the question. But no matter what, I have a new passport which will be good until 2032. Now when I am in Canada this summer, I will apply for my new Canadian passport. Then I will be in excellent shape. Many Americans have no passport. I am always astonished to hear that good friends have no passport. I know that the US is a big place and a person could travel a long way staying in the US. But I always wonder why they do not want to go to Banff. Or Lake Louise. Or to Mexico. Astonishing really that people are unconcerned about the other world. But I can not worry about them. I now have my new passport. And I am excited.

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