Thursday, April 7, 2022

April 7, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Molly and Surgery.

This morning at 8:30, Molly had surgery on her right knee. The surgeon removed the floating piece of cartilage, tightened the ligaments and smoothed the patella. The surgeon told Christina that all went well, all done through a hole into the knee. Christina and Molly were home by 11:00. Now Molly must elevate her knee as much as possible and use crutches to get around. And use ice on the knee. She can use her foot for balance but is not supposed to keep full weight on that leg. She is taking pain medication every 6 hours plus Motrin if she has a lot of pain. Today she was mostly sleeping, which was a good thing. In two weeks, Molly returns for an evaluation. And begins her physical therapy. At the moment she is wearing a heavy brace that does not allow her knee to flex. Molly wants to return to school next week, using a chair to elevate her knee. Christina thinks that Molly would do better by staying home. But Molly is a young lady with a lot of energy so keeping her home and happy may be difficult. They will both have to wait and see how Molly gets along. The best part is that the repais have been done to her knee. Now she must recover. So far she is being a trooper. I wish her well.

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