Saturday, April 9, 2022

April 9, 2022. Madison, Mississippi. Cooking.

I should be kept out of the kitchen. This week for dinner I cooked a strip steat, the one I bought at the butcher shop in Flora. The steaks were too big for one person, so after I cooked them, I cut them in two, to be used by me at another meal. That was always the plan when I bought them. I also cooked a potato in the microwave so I enjoyed my dinner. The steak was good, juicy and tender. I cooked the steak in a frying pan and after the steak was ready, I turned off the gas element and turned out the kitchen light. But after finishing dinner and returning my dishes to the kitchen, as I was approaching the kitchen I could smell cooking meat. Evidently, instead of turning off the element, I had merely turn the control to low. So all the while when I was eating, the juicy steak was still cooking. I turned off the element and allowed the overcooked steak to cool. Just before going to bed, I put the steak in a baggie in the fridge. I really thought that my steak would be beyond eating but I hate to waste food, so I kept it. Much to my surprise, the over cooked steak could be eaten. I never eat well done steak and this steak was certainly well done. But it could be eaten. And it tasted good too although it was certainly not juicy. My lunch today was edible. Now I will remember to ask Kashina to cook my meat. I am certainly not safe in the kitchen.

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