Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12, 2012. Jackson, Mississippi. Ballet Recitals.

I loved every minute of the Recitals.  Molly was the first this morning, smiling and dancing her heart out.  She loved it, especially when all the little girls each in their own classes came out for a bow, right at the end.  She ran out onto the stage and made a big bow and waved.  It was wonderful.

Tonight, Mary Frances and Kate had their turn to shine and shine they did.  Both girls danced well and stayed in character the whole time they were on stage.  The ballet school does a magnificent job with the costumes and organization and of course, the dancing.  All the girls from the beginners to the advanced showed off their expertise.  The whole thing was impressive.  We are fortunate to be here in May so we can watch the girls dance.  Of course, I would remiss to not say that they looked lovely as well as danced well.

It is clear by watching that all the dancers enjoy their dancing.   I don't know how the teachers are able to correct and train the girls while retaining the enthusiasm.  It is a wonder to behold.  And that was how we spent our day.  You can't spend a better Saturday than watching your grandchildren dance in a recital.

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