Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14, 2015. Madison, Ms. Bradley.

Our outside lights were installed a long time ago, probably when the house was built.  Ken has spent a lot of time inspecting the wires and the lights.  The wiring and the lighting was extensive, but today almost none of the lights work.  Of course we do not know what switch works what lights so perhaps the bulbs are merely burnt out, but I doubt it.  Bradley is a young man who installs lights for the outdoors so we asked him to evaluate our old system and to make recommendations.

Bradley is young, perhaps 30.  Both Ken and I think it is a good sign that young men are running their own businesses in Jackson and they are energetic and competent.  We spent an hour with him today and we like him.  He will do an estimate to remove all the old lights and wires attached to the trees and make recommendations to increase the lighting in the front and give minimal lighting in the back.   Our neighbors have lights on almost every tree in the backyard.  We don't like the look so will not install new lights shining up the trees.

Bradley has a wife who is a school teacher.  For Christmas, they will drive to a ski hill in West Virginia, along with 25 of the rest of the in-laws.  Bradley has never been on skis.   He was born and raised in Mississippi and has never lived with snow.  He has borrowed clothes.  He is excited.  We urged him to take lessons.  And he thinks our life style is astonishing, following the weather like the birds.  Now we just hope we can afford his services.  We certainly enjoyed chatting with him today.

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