Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 11, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Thank You Ken.

This morning at 6:00 Ken passed away in his sleep. He was 82 years old. The past two days were difficult for him. Neither Ken nor his doctor could figure out what was the matter but the quality of his life decreased dramatically. He had trouble breathing and last night he became too weak to walk. He slept restlessly and had trouble falling asleep. When I woke at 6:00, Keshina and I decided not to wake him for his Parkinson's medication. When I lay beside him, I could not hear his rasping breathing and I discovered he was not breathing. He had given up his fight. Ken fought to the end. He came to the party on Saturday night and to brunch with the family on Sunday morning. This morning he had an appointment with the physical therapist, which he intended to make. But death intervened. Now the force of his personality and his fight have gone and we are left with happy memories. When the family gathered at home with me this afternoon I asked what I should say as a heading for my wee blog. Kate said I should say "Thank You Ken". And I did. Tomorrow evening friends and family will gather at home with me. I hope for an event bringing joy. Ken did not ever want a fuss so we will sing and read from the Bible and we will say thank Ken for his life. For me more than anyone, I say "Thank You Ken".


Set said...

Prayers for you and your family as you cope with the loss of Ken. And thank you, Ken, for sharing Ruth with us and for helping create such a warm, caring, & smart environment for your family. I shared in your life thru this blog and loved hearing about the times you shared with Ruth. Thank you, Ruth, for sharing. I wish you peace through your happy memories of life with Ken.
Sarah Toppins

Unknown said...

Ruth -- What a sad but lovely post. I'm so sorry to hear of Ken's passing. May the warm memories of your full, happy life together bring you comfort.


Ann Fisher Johnson said...

I am so sorry to hear of Ken's passing. You had such a full and wonderful life together. Many thanks for letting us all share in your family joys and "pitfalls" as you journeyed through life together. How blessed you were to have such a marvelous man in your life as husband, father, and grandfather. May these happy memories carry you through in the days ahead.
Ann Johnson