Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Traveling Alone.

Ever since the time of the internet, Ken has had the same pattern: as soon as we moved into either our home or a hotel, Ken would immediately set up our devices. Shortly my phone, iPad and computer would be connected and running smoothly. I have never done it myself...until now. Today I leave for Dallas, where I will stay overnight at the airport hotel, the Hyatt. When we planned the trip we decided that one flight a day was feasible for Ken, so our plan to stay in Dallas without leaving the airport would be wise. Tomorrow we then would go on to PV. I am just following the plan because it was easier. So here I go. Tomorrow I arrive at the condo and it remain to be seen if I am able to connect to the Internet and then to Google. I recall that I was unable to write my wee blog when Ken was in the hospital so I expect problems. My problem was Google. I could not get out of Mexican Google. I had been forced to call the tech person at Playa to come and connect me so I was able to use e mail but I could not do the blog. I will not try at the hotel. If you are not able to read my Ramblings tomorrow, you will know the problem. So here I go. This will my first venture all by myself. If I have difficulties I will ask for help. In the large airports I will use the wheelchair and a pusher. One issue is sight. I have difficulty seeing the signs to find out where I am going. At Playa Royale I will be in a protected environment so I should be fine. Today begins a new venture, all by myself. Who knows? I might enjoy traveling alone. I will report back soon.

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