Saturday, December 8, 2018

December 8, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Paper Clips.

After I dressed for the party in my fancy duds, I realized that the satin pants I was wearing was slipping down. In fact, when I was walking across the kitchen floor, they fell down. Christina was picking me up in just a few minutes So I had no time to change. I first looked for a safety pin with no success. I then turned to paper clips. Using four large paper clips, I attached my pants to my underwear. Much to my great surprise, the paper clips did the job. My satin pants looked fine and no one knew my pants were held up with paper clips. It had bedded several years since I wore those fancy pants and clearly the elastic lost the stretch. Now I must take those pants to be repaired. Our Christmas/Birthday party went well tonight. The food at the yacht club was excellent. My selections this year were more interesting than last. The children especially enjoy the party. They were all dressed up in their party clothes and looked beautiful. One year in the life of a child makes a big difference and many of the children we had not seem since last year. Cheryl and Sebastian have seven children, and Cheryl thanked me for inviting the children, because they seldom get invited as a total family. But we love to see the children. And we always serve the food buffet style so the children can help themselves. One of the appetizers was smoked salmon which turned out to be a winner. Every scrap of the big platter was gone. We served pasta for dinner. Everyone enjoyed the event. And so did I. And my fancy pants did not fall down, thanks to my trusty paper clips. Who would ever think that big paper clips would hold up satin pants. But they did the job. Whew.

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