Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 2018. Playa Royale, Mexico. Update.

We have the most wonderful lazy week. Today was the laziest. And we all loved it. The goal for the week for everyone in the family was to chill. Rest and relaxation was the order of every day. The girls have slept in every day. In the afternoon the girls sit on the beach and read. David and I sit by the pool. Suzanne sometimes is at the pool and sometimes at the beach. Bit by bit, people go up to shower and get ready for dinner. Poor Samantha came down with strep throat, which is what Allison has just gotten over. Medication was given to Samantha and now she is beginning to recover but she has slept most of the last 2 days. For dinner, I have selected our restaurants while David has paid the bill. Pretty good deal for me. David announced the first day that as I was providing the accommodation, he would pay for the meals. We have had memorable meals. Perhaps the Porto Bello was the best. Today was the laziest. The girls stayed in the condo all afternoon and either read or started a jigsaw puzzle. David and I went to the beach restaurant for lunch and to watch football. Two big TV's have been installed in the restaurant so we just stayed all afternoon. Suzanne joined us for a while and eventually the girls came for a snack late in the afternoon. Our day was delightful. After dinner we took a cab home and watched more football. Our day was delightful and was enjoyed by everyone.

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