Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. My Update.

Until this morning, I thought I was doing remarkably well, but I noticed that on Monday morning I forgot to take my morning medications. Oops. Maybe I all my circuits are not working after all. Sunday night was the first time I had been alone in the house. David left for San Antonio in the morning. I was busy all day and slept well. I actually woke at a normal time of 8:00, so I was pleased, so pleased that I forgot my meds. I am trying to focus on being grateful. Ken was enjoying himself to the end. On the Sunday before he died we ate brunch with the girls and Christina. Ken ate 8 oysters plus his lunch. Ken loved being with the girls and he enjoyed his brunch. Ken did not spend a day in a nursing home nor did he use hospice. His sense of humor never left him and he was smiling to the end. He was pushing the boundary too. Monday morning for the last time he did his exercises, always wanting to get stronger. So I am grateful for many things. My plan is to carry on our program. I leave Friday for Dallas where we planned to stay at the airport hotel, then go on to Puerto Vallarta on Saturday, where I will stay until February 2. I am determined to stay busy during the days before David and family arrive on the 26th. I expect it to be difficult but I am determined. Wonderful Wendy and Ken are coming on the 12th and will stay until we leave together. I have asked a couple of people to join me at the condo from Dec.31 until Jan.12 but no one so far has been able to come. Again I will just stay busy. I am doing well or as well as could be expected. I am able to talk on the phone with friends about Ken without weeping. In fact I enjoy those conversations. I have my moments of mourning and weeping but I am walking and talking and getting things done. Ken would not expect anything less from me. I feel sure that in Heaven he is cheering me on.

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