Sunday, December 30, 2018

December 30, 2018. Playa Royale, Mexico. The Jigsaw Puzzle.

The puzzle was started yesterday afternoon. When we came up from the beach restaurant and before we went to dinner, Suzanne and Allison opened the box and started in to work. They have been working on it ever since. Sarah and Abigail joined in every now and again. Samantha, who is feeling better, did not help except to cheer them on. Today it rained, so we once again were lazy. David, Suzanne and I sat on the balcony and when the girls woke up sometime around noon, began to work on the puzzle. They have had a wonderful time. Allison and Suzanne were determined to complete the puzzle before leaving tomorrow but at the moment, it is not complete. Wonderful Wendy gave me the puzzle three years ago but the box went unopened. The puzzle is a picture of tea pots and is difficult. Ken and I do not work jigsaw puzzles. We had guest who might have enjoyed doing it but we always needed the dining table. Every year I brought it to the condo from the locker and every year I put it back...until now. Suzanne set it up on the coffee table. Chairs were brought to the table. The coffee table was moved off to the side and from then until now, Suzanne, Allison and Sarah worked on the puzzle. Right now at 10:45, David has gone to bed as has Samantha who sleeps on the pulled out couch. Abigail has been reading all day sitting on a chair in the living room. Allison is determined to complete the puzzle so is urging the three to keep to the task. Now they are filling in the background, which is the most difficult part. Great whoops come when a new piece is put in place. They are having a wonderful time, all thanks to Wonderful Wendy and the new puzzle. Tomorrow they must leave the condo at 11:15 to go to the airport. Allison is determined to have it completed. I am betting on it.

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