Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3, 2018. Madison, Mississippi. Physical Therapy.

I asked our Doctor, a Geriatric Specialist, if Ken could be referred for physical therapy at the University Hospital facility. Ken took a clinic in June at the same place and I noted the elaborate equipment available, which all seemed under utilized. The referral was made and today we met with the therapist for evaluation. She needed to know if Ken would benefit from their therapy. The therapist we met with today was the same one who gave Ken his drill for the last bout of exercises, so Ken was pleased because he like her style and competence. Regina was pleased with Ken's arm and leg strength but his hip muscles are weak. She accepted him as a patient. We are pleased. Regina will work out an exercise program for Ken. And we will meet her twice a week for the next three weeks. Our goal is to increase strength and to help him get off the floor. She also will give Ken exercises to use when we are in Mexico. We checked out the local gyms and one has individual exercise people to work with him but I am fearful that trainers will work him too hard and he will get injured. They also know nothing about Parkinson's patients. Ken is pleased to be working on his strength and balance. His first 45 minute session is Wednesday. Ken feels better already. Regina also reported more strength for Ken than she expected, which pleased him too. The stairs and the walking in Nova Scotia has been beneficial. Now we will roll back the years a bit to add strength. When we return to Mississippi at the beginning of February we will return for more physical therapy with Regina. This physical therapy is just what the doctor ordered.

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