Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Wind Chimes.

Ken moved the wind chimes from the front patio to the backyard. The front is protected by the house, the garage and the trees so we could never hear the lovely sound. We inherited the wind chimes. Clearly the former owner did not know they were there because of course, she never heard them. When Ken moved the chimes to the back yard, he hung them on the gazebo which is close to the reservoir. The wind blows almost all the time so we can hear the lovely twinkling sound. Last night the wind blew so hard the chimes were singing all night. I was reminded of my Wonderful Wendy. In Mexico, we three were walking. All of a sudden we could hear the most wonderful deep sounding wind chimes. The sound was mellow and low. Both Ken and I stopped to listen and to see where the chimes could be bought. The sound was wonderful. Ken wondered out loud if they could buy the chimes for the new backyard. But Wendy did not want any part of a set of wind chimes. We both tried to convince her but to no avail. Wendy hates wind chimes. When Wendy first purchased her cottage on Lake Joseph, the closest cottage to her had wind chimes on the porch. It chimed all day and night. Even in the middle of the night Wendy could hear those chimes singing. They kept her awake so she has hated wind chimes ever since. Eventually, the chimes fell down and died which pleased her. Last night in the middle of the night I wondered what my neighbors feel about my wind chimes. Even tonight, I can hear them even though we have no storm. The next time I see them I think I will ask. Or maybe I won't. I would hate to take them down.

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