Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Phone Calls.

Once a day I am phoning someone I have not talked to recently. In todays world, no on uses the phone except for texting. But I am old fashioned so I like to hear the voices. Yesterday I talked to Carolyn DeWolf, a friend from Galveston days. Actually, she returned my call after I had left a message. We talked for ages and I enjoyed catching up with her children and grandchildren. And she did the same with me. It was just as if she had popped by for a cup of tea. The day before I called my friend Butch and again talked for ages. He had not been aware that Ken had died. And the day before that I chatted with Peppy. And Ruth R. the day before that. These conversations make me happy. I have many hours in the day when I am alone so the phone calls remind me that I am not really alone, even though I am. I will continue to go down the contacts in my phone, just to say hello. If the friend is away, I leave a message. And I love it when people phone me. Breaks up my day and gives me a break from reading. I am enjoying my phone calls to friends and I hope they are not considering me a nuisance. So get ready. I might be phoning you sometime soon.

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