Thursday, February 28, 2019

February 28, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Pictures.

Pictures in my brain are amazing. I have no idea how the brain does it but scenes I saw years ago come back with vivid clarity. Last evening I watched an hour program on the PBS Nature series. The show was about climate changes and Yosemite. The pictures were wonderful but I also see those pictures in my brain. And they are just as good. In 1962, Ken and I worked at a Salvation Army camp just outside Tucson, Arizona. We returned to Toronto via California and the west coast, then straight across Canada, camping along the way and driving our 1953 Volkswagen bug, with no air-conditioning. When in California we saw Yosemite and the big trees. We loved it. In fact we camped with just a groundsheet on the high plateau and we were very cold. But we have never been able to get back. The place is magnificent and I am grateful we did that trip all those years ago. Because those pictures are still in my brain. Rick Steves had a show on the highlands of Scotland. Again, every photograph shown was already in my brain because Ken and I spent 10 days just outside Inverness and every day we took drives around the countryside and the lochs. That would have been in the 90's but the pictures are clear in my brain. We enjoyed Scotland and once you have seen a place, the place stays and is part of you. I have no idea how these pictures stay in my mind but I am delighted I have been able to store all these images. And I am grateful that Ken and I enjoyed all the travel. Every trip is still a treasure.

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