Thursday, February 21, 2019

February 21, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Rain and Wind.

My friend Linda C. says that the weather in Jackson is worse than Houston. I have heard her but never agreed. I know Houston weather is hot and humid for 6 months of the year. But I have never lived in Jackson in the winter where it is cold and rainy. Mostly we have always ignored weather perhaps for many years we followed 75 degrees. But this year I can not ignore the rain. Wednesday from 10 to 5 was the only time this week when the rain was not falling. That was the day of our excursion. But beginning in the middle of the night on Sunday we have had rain. And we have had two storms. Beginning in the middle of the night, the wind howled and the rain pelted against the windows. I was pleased to be in bed. The storm did not stop until noon but all afternoon it rained. The rain was not heavy but it was constant. All week it rained. Early this morning we had a thunder and lightning storm. And lots of rain. All day it rained. Walking outdoors today was impossible due to the high wind. The city officials urge people not to walk outside in high winds due to all the trees which often come down. And the streets are slippery so dangerous for me. I have been walking inside the house. Someday the sun will shine...but not tomorrow. Our forecast is for rain.

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