Sunday, February 24, 2019

February 24, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. Sympathy Cards.

All the cards include a note about Ken. And they are all nice. The stack of cards is high. I appreciated every kind words. I think I have received a note from every person I know, certainly everyone on my Christmas list. People have spoken about Ken's humor, which is one of those things I miss now that he has gone from us. And they have spoken about his determination and drive, which were also much in evidence. People have noted the obstacles he was required to overcome in order to be successful, not the least being his life long battle with lung disease. But several folks have mentioned about how gentle Ken was, which did surprise me. From my observation, Ken was driven and forceful. And he was always optimistic. Everything was going to work out, at least to Ken. Ken was always gentle and loving with his grandchildren but I do not think he was truly gentle. Beneath the surface he was determined to not let the bastards get him. And he fought hard to the end. Remember, Ken started out poor so a backbone of steel was required. Ken and I were a good pair. He drove the ship while I implemented the plans. But I never saw him as gentle. But I do enjoy reading all those cards and notes. Ken would be pleased and surprised.

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