Sunday, February 17, 2019

February 17, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. The Salvation Army.

This morning, I returned to my roots. I attended the Jackson Citadel Corps of The Salvation Army. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed it and might go back. The building itself is pleasant and the seats are comfortable. The best part is that they have good musicians. The band is small but good. And during different parts of the service the band members switched to doing other things. The woman who plays euphonium also plays the piano. The baritone player plays drums for some songs and a cornet player is excellent on the electric guitar. The service had everything you want in one held in The Salvation Army. Lots of singing and clapping. And the service ended at 12:15 so were were on time to meet the family for lunch at Bravo. In my trunk downstairs is an old Salvation Army crest made of metal. It comes with the eagle over the top of the crest. Ken and I bought it years ago in Pennsylvania at an auction. No one bid but us. The US Salvation Army no longer uses the eagle so I have a relic from the past. I thought that the SA archives might want it. Friday I called to speak to the officer or the DC. No one yet has called me back. I decided to just go to the corps to ask someone so Keshina and I attended church this morning. I met the CO and the DC and told them about my treasure. They were delighted to get it. But I did note that no one asked for my telephone number which I thought was interesting. I have always been grateful that I was brought up in a Salvatvation Army family and I do not criticize. But one aspect of their patterns are terrible, which is follow up. They seem to have no system for tracking people. Last Spring, I was out to lunch with friend Eleanor where we met a group of officers also having lunch. I spoke to them and told them of my connection. One young man came over to chat and I gave him my number. Of course, I have not heard a word from him. Now I must call tomorrow and find out what to do with my crest and eagle. Keshina does not attend church. As we were walking to the car, she commented that she had never attended anything like that before. I on the other hand got exactly what I expected. We both had fun.

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