Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019. Madison, Mississippi. A Coffee Party.

The four ladies got together this afternoon at the home of Greta Barbour. We ate home made cheesecake and drank coffee. We sat in the living room like ladies and enjoyed ourselves while the children played in another part of the house. The event was elegant with linen napkins and good silver. Eleanor was there, along with Christina and Greta Barbour. I had not seen Eleanor or Greta Barbour since my return so we had to catch up on our lives. And of course, they wanted to know how I was doing. I said that my life is like sitting on a stool with one leg missing. A person can sit on a stool missing one leg but it requires a person to keep balancing to stay steady. Having an event every day keeps me steady so I appreciated the coffee party and the friendship of the three ladies. Next week I will arrange lunch with them but we are having a difficult time when everyone can get together so I am taking them along, which I enjoy too. So hats off to coffee parties. Eleanor is arranging a French party where she will make eclairs. That will be our next party. In the meantime, I will keep that stool steady.

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